This function visualizes different measures of association between features and the label, computed previously with the check.associations function
association.plot(siamcat, fn.plot=NULL, color.scheme = "RdYlBu", = "fc", = 50, plot.type = "",
panels = c("fc", "auroc"), prompt=TRUE, verbose = 1)
object of class siamcat-class
string, filename for the pdf-plot. If fn.plot
, the plot will be produced in the active graphics device.
valid R color scheme or vector of valid R colors (must
be of the same length as the number of classes), defaults to 'RdYlBu'
string, sort features by p-value ("p.val"
), by fold
change ("fc"
) or by prevalence shift ("pr.shift"
defaults to "fc"
integer, how many associated features should be shown,
defaults to 50
string, specify how the abundance should be plotted, must
be one of these: c("bean", "box", "", "quantile.rect")
defaults to ""
vector, name of the panels to be plotted next to the
abundances, possible entries are c("fc", "auroc", "prevalence")
defaults to c("fc", "auroc")
boolean, turn on/off prompting user input when not plotting into a pdf-file, defaults to TRUE
integer, control output: 0
for no output at all,
for only information about progress and success, 2
normal level of information and 3
for full debug information,
defaults to 1
Does not return anything, but instead produces association plot
This function visualizes the results of the computations carried
out in the check.associations function. It produces a plot of the
associated features at a user-specified significance
level alpha
For binary classification problems, the plot will show the distribution of the log10-transformed abundances for both classes, a P-value from the significance test, and user-selected panels for the effect size (AU-ROC, prevalence shift, or generalized fold change). For regression problems, the plot will show the Spearman correlation, the significance, and the linear model effect size.
# Example data
# Simple example
association.plot(siamcat_example, fn.plot = "./assoc_plot.pdf")
#> Plotted associations between features and label successfully to: ./assoc_plot.pdf
# Plot associations as box plot
fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_box.pdf",
plot.type = "box")
#> Plotted associations between features and label successfully to: ./assoc_plot_box.pdf
# Additionally, sort by p-value instead of by fold change
fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_fc.pdf",
plot.type = "box", = "p.val")
#> Plotted associations between features and label successfully to: ./assoc_plot_fc.pdf
# Custom colors
fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_blue_yellow.pdf",
plot.type = "box", color.scheme = c("cornflowerblue", "#ffc125"))
#> Plotted associations between features and label successfully to: ./assoc_plot_blue_yellow.pdf