This function produces a plot for model interpretation
model.interpretation.plot(siamcat, fn.plot = NULL,
color.scheme = "BrBG", consens.thres = 0.5, heatmap.type = "zscore",
limits = c(-3, 3), log.n0 = 1e-06, = 50, prompt=TRUE,
verbose = 1)
object of class siamcat-class
string, filename for the pdf-plot
color scheme for the heatmap, defaults to 'BrBG'
float, minimal ratio of models incorporating a feature
in order to include it into the heatmap, defaults to 0.5
Note that for 'randomForest'
models, this cutoff specifies the
minimum median Gini coefficient for a feature to be included and
should therefore be much lower, e.g. 0.01
string, type of the heatmap, can be either 'fc'
or 'zscore'
, defaults to 'zscore'
vector, cutoff for extreme values in the heatmap,
defaults to c(-3, 3)
float, pseudocount to be added before log-transformation
of features, defaults to 1e-06
integer, maximum number of features to be shown in the model interpretation plot, defaults to 50
boolean, turn on/off prompting user input when not plotting into a pdf-file, defaults to TRUE
control output: 0
for no output at all, 1
for only information about progress and success, 2
for normal
level of information and 3
for full debug information,
defaults to 1
Does not return anything, but produces the model interpretation plot.
Produces a plot consisting of
a barplot showing the feature weights and their robustness (i.e. in what proportion of models have they been incorporated)
a heatmap showing the z-scores of the metagenomic features across samples
another heatmap displaying the metadata categories (if applicable)
a boxplot displaying the poportion of weight per model that is
actually shown for the features that are incorporated into more than
percent of the models.
# simple working example
siamcat_example <- train.model(siamcat_example, method='lasso')
#> Trained lasso models successfully.
model.interpretation.plot(siamcat_example, fn.plot='./interpretion.pdf',
#> Successfully plotted model interpretation plot to: ./interpretion.pdf